Coach Pitch vs Kid Pitch

Coach Pitch vs Kid Pitch: Is YOUR Player Actually Ready?

Little League, Cal Ripken, and other recreational baseball and softball leagues around the country are currently open for registration. Parents will input their information, load their kid’s insurance number, and choose a shirt size… But if you’re the parent of a 7 or 8-year-old, you might be wondering.. Coach Pitch vs Kid Pitch, which is right for my kid?

It’s a tough call to make. On one hand, another year of Coach Pitch might feel like a waste. On the other, Kid Pitch is a big step, like taking the training wheels off, and that never comes without a scrape or two. I’ve been through multiple times on my own, and as the head of my local baseball league for many years as well as a travel baseball and softball coach, I’ve answered this question a lot. Let’s explore whether Kid Pitch is right for your kid in this guide.

Coach pitch vs kid pitch

What is Kid Pitch Baseball or Softball?

“Kid Pitch” is a term used to describe the first two years of baseball or softball where the pitching goes from “Coach Pitch” to the kid’s stepping on the rubber and throwing. 

Kid Pitch in Baseball

In Little League, Kid Pitch is the Major Division (9-12), but the league might also offer a Minor League Player-Pitch Division, which is just 9-10 year-olds. In Cal Ripken, kids typically pitch at the Rookie Level, or 7-8 years old, though some leagues might not offer Kid Pitch until Minors (9-10).

During Kid Pitch, some of the rules change. Players are allowed to steal as soon as the ball reaches the plate, or on past balls depending on the league. Players can also take as many bases as they want, so they can keep running on errant throws or great hits. Leading still isn’t allowed, and there are typically 5 runs allowed per inning. Strikeouts and walks are both part of the game at this level. 

As far as the pitchers are concerned, each individual league’s pitch count requirements may vary, but most follow Pitch Smart. According to Pitch Smart (which is supplied by USA Baseball), 7-8-year-olds can pitch 50 pitches in a day, while 9-10-year-olds can pitch 75. There are also rules as to how many days of rest they need before outings, and you can find those below:

Kid Pitch in Softball

Things shift a little for Kid Pitch in softball. 

Both Little League and Babe Ruth (the parent organization of Cal Ripken) allow coaches to pitch through what’s known as “8U,” or levels where children are 8 years old or younger. For Little League, this is often referred to as the “Coach Pitch Division,” and it falls within the larger Minor League Division. For Babe Ruth, this is referred to as 8U. So, girls start pitching at 9 years old, or 10U. 

The rules change at this level, as well. Five-run rules generally still apply, but strikeouts and walks are in play. Also, players can steal either when the ball leaves the pitcher’s hand or when the ball reaches home plate. Players can also advance as many bases as they’d like on overthrows and hits, and play doesn’t stop until the pitcher has the ball and steps in the circle. Players that are still advancing at this time may advance, but if they stop, they must retreat to the base at risk of being put out. Also, there aren’t any pitch count rules.

10U softball is a lot. 

The Problems with Kid Pitch

It’s Boring

Truthfully, the first two years of kids pitching in baseball or softball suck. Most of them can’t throw strikes, which results in a lot of walks, meaningless steals (because the subsequent three walks will bring them home anyway), and a slow pace of play. It’s boring, and it’s incredibly hard to watch. They just don’t have the pitch control it takes to really make the game work.

They Don’t See Strikes

Another aspect of this is that batters never see a strike to hit. They may see one their entire at-bat, with zero predictability about when that pitch is coming (it’s certainly not guaranteed in a 2-0, 3-0 count). This either forces kids to sit with the bat on their shoulder so they can get on base, or to take hacks at pitches that aren’t good balls to hit. Does it sometimes work? Sure, and it’s the most exciting moment of the game. But otherwise, Kid Pitch is awful.

They Get Hit

Let’s not discount how much it sucks for a kid who isn’t all that comfortable playing baseball or softball yet to get drilled in the shoulder, back, or leg with a ball thrown by a 9-year-old. It could scare them away from the game forever. Yes, it is part of the game, but for kids who aren’t ready for the real “game” yet, it just doesn’t work.

But When They Can Pitch, They Can REALLY Pitch

On the other hand, sometimes you get a stud on the mound, and in this case, no one has a chance. While this is technically okay, it’s just as hard to watch for everyone but the pitcher’s coach and parents. Watching an advanced 8-year-old shove against underdeveloped 6 and 7-year-olds in baseball, or an advanced 10-year-old against 8 and 9-year-olds in softball, just isn’t fun. It sucks.

For example, we have a local travel team that my softball team runs into at tournaments. They have three girls who can absolutely blow the ball past every team they play. They also teach their own batters not to swing, preferring walks. They’re the sure winner in every tournament they enter, but their games are painfully difficult to watch and other than those three girls (who are also the catchers), no one’s getting anything out of their games. 

Coach Pitch is Better-Quality Ball

Coach Pitch is action-packed. The coach throws strikes down the middle (as long as your coach is capable), and kids know they’re going to see two or three great pitches to hit each at bat. You can teach them to be aggressive and swing hard (something you can teach in your backyard). Sure, they can still “strike out” if they’ve seen too many pitches (6 in most leagues), but the chances of a bad at-bat are much less.

Coach pitch vs kid pitch

Coach Pitch vs Kid Pitch Considerations

So you’re probably still wondering if you should move your kid up to a Kid Pitch division or play another year of Coach Pitch. Well, we have a few points to consider.

Can Your Kid Pitch?

If we’re talking about a 7 or 8-year-old, you need to be objective. It’s my experience that very few kids at this level of play can actually pitch and throw strikes consistently. By consistently, I mean throwing 3 out of 5 pitches for strikes for baseball, and probably 1 out of every 2 pitches for strikes in softball.

It’s just not common.

But if your kid can pitch and you’re not just kidding yourself, you should move them up to play Kid Pitch. They’ll get the opportunity to step on the mound and show the world what they’ve got. This will fuel their competitive drive or show them they don’t love pitching. Either way, they have to give it a shot. 

Are All of Their Friends Moving Up?

This is one of the most common reasons why players jump into Kid Pitch ahead of time. Their friends are moving up and they want to stay with them. Worse yet, their older sibling is moving up and the parents want to keep them together. 

This is likely one of the biggest mistakes and one that I’ve made in the past (I moved my daughter up with her friends). It takes a rare child to be able to make the jump, and if they’re not ready, it takes an even more rare child to handle the failure. It typically results in them being the slowest, weakest, and least productive on the team. And even if the coach is even with playing time, they’ll recognize they’re not meeting the same level as their friends and they’ll start to hate the game. 

If this is your reasoning, don’t move them up. Let them stay at Coach Pitch and enjoy a season as a stud. It will build their confidence and help them when they move up to the next level. If you want to raise a ballplayer for life, you need to avoid moving them up too soon.

Is Your Child Extremely Competitive?

If your child is extremely competitive and is finding themselves bored of the restraints put on them at Coach Pitch, well.. It may be time to move them up. This is often the younger sibling of a ballplayer, and they understand the basic concepts of the game, like taking an extra base on an overthrow or who is supposed to cover which base and when, and gets frustrated when the other players can’t keep up. They also like to be challenged and find it boring to drill the first ball of every at-bat into a gap. 

In this case, keeping the player at Coach Pitch can be as detrimental as moving a player up too soon. They’ll get bored, feel frustrated, and never fall in love with the game. These kids often move to other sports like lacrosse or soccer because they’re faster-paced and challenge them more. 

Do You Just Want Your Kid To Move Up?

Look, I’m not your therapist, but baseball and softball are full of parents who need them. They are so obsessed with telling people that their kids play up a division that it’s sickening. Let your kid develop where they need to develop. 

My daughter does play up a division, but I’m clear with everyone that it’s because we moved up as a team, not because she was ready. And it was likely a mistake. We’ll see how it flushes out in a few years, but I won’t move her up early again. My son never played up and as a result, was able to develop and be one of the two best players in his rec league and now does quite well in travel.

No one cares which division your child plays in at the rec level. It doesn’t matter, so please check your ego at the door. If you want them to move up and they’re not ready, you’re likely pushing them too hard and building resentment. Enjoy that life. 

It’s Case-by-Case, or Child-by-Child

Honestly, choosing between Coach Pitch and Kid Pitch is a case-by-case consideration. You have to decide based on the child’s ability and personality before you can make the decision. In most cases, if you have the chance to keep your kid back in Coach Pitch another year, I would do it. They might seem slightly behind their friends when they move up the following year, but they’ll catch up quickly and better understand the fundamentals of the game.  

That’s my $0.02. 

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