baseball catcher crouching between batters

What Is Catcher Pop Time?

Catcher pop time is a critical statistic in baseball—for both the catchers, pitchers, and coaches. It’s essentially a measurement of a catcher’s ability to control the running game. It represents the time it takes for a catcher to receive a pitch, transfer the ball, and throw it to second base in an attempt to throw…

baseball field positions

Baseball Field Positions: Everything You Need To Know

Baseball is a game of strategy, teamwork, and precision. But, with nine distinct baseball field positions, parents and players who are new to the game might not quite have a handle on what the whole team does. Each position on the baseball diamond plays a specific role in a team’s defense and requires unique skills…

Coach Pitch vs Kid Pitch

Coach Pitch vs Kid Pitch: Is YOUR Player Actually Ready?

Little League, Cal Ripken, and other recreational baseball and softball leagues around the country are currently open for registration. Parents will input their information, load their kid’s insurance number, and choose a shirt size… But if you’re the parent of a 7 or 8-year-old, you might be wondering.. Coach Pitch vs Kid Pitch, which is…